Thursday, August 14, 2008

Smooth Sailing

I played a guy named anasazi63 in a $2 HU and rolled. I raised every hand on the button, and at first he toyed around, but then he started folding. And he kept folding. And kept folding. It was almost unbelievable. He would overraise when he had a hand, so I just pitched. We only got mixed up in 2 actual pots, both of which I won as I flopped bottom pair and turned 2 pair. We didn't show either of them down. I drove him down to 500ish when he shoved A8 into my AK. Of course he flopped an 8 and I never improved so he was back to 1100. He got as high as 1300 and he shoved a couple of times over the next few hands, but then it was back to fold city. I finally pushed him down to around 800 when he shoved AK into my 77. It was a beautiful 97x flop, all spades, so I just had to fade the runner spades for the chop. The turn peeled a club so we were doneskey.

I am currently sitting at a 6 handed $.10/$.25 NLHE table at Bugsy's, but I'm probably going to quit after a short ten or so minute session. When I first sat, there were two monster stacks and a nice juicy seat to their left that I filled with my $20. There was $47 2 to my right and $53 on my right hip, and the $53 was raising every pot. I started very loose, called a raise with 34hh on my 3rd hand and one other caller in the pot. The flop was a neat 56J with one diamond and I called his half pot bet. The turn was a nifty 2d and I just called the small bet in hopes of trapping the other guy in the hand as well. The river peeled a not-so-great 4d showing the 4 straight and a flush, but I still got a baby bet out of the ATM and my straight was good. The very next hand I got KJo and called the ATMs raise and took a flop of QJ6. He bet pot and I called. The turn brought a 4 and 2 checks and the river brought a 9 and 2 checks and my J was good. I would've liked to get some value out of it because I was positive I was good, but I didn't know the extent of his tardness and didn't want to get busted being greedy. Another guy ran into that fate. He had an A on an AA2 flop and got blinded to the possibility that the ATM had him beat. All the money went in and the ATM scooped it with 22. I hate to say it but he deserved it. Had the other guy not gone on ubertilt he probably wouldn't have gone broke, but he got what he deserved. The ATM chunked off $10 in 2 of 3 of the next hands and then hightailed it. I think he knew he was playing bad and he knew when to quit, so I think that actually makes him pretty decent. Anyway, I just called it quits as I was typing this and cashed out for $30.65. Not bad to sneak in a little $10 profit over maybe half an hour with no real risk.

This may be the last poker that I play for the week as Virginia has the weekend off and I'll be spending time with her since I don't get to see her much during her current rotation. I imagine I'll sneak in a HU or 2 at some point though, and I'll post those results when they come. On a related note, I'm pissed that OPR hasn't update my rankings to show my 1st place in that 90 person tourney. It may just not have been included in that update, but if it's not on there tomorrow I'm going to be one unhappy person. I know it's only $20 and it was only a $1 tourney, but I play more for the gratification of accomplishment than the money. I like knowing that I win nearly 60% of the HU matches that I play, and I like that I'm 1 for 3 in winning MTTs this month no matter how small they are. If that win doesn't go on there, I'm not going to lose sleep over it, but I really hope it does.

Bugsy's roll: $473.59
FTP roll: $43.70

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